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Manufacturer Profile


Windsor Machine began as a custom machine shop in Vancouver, B.C. In 1948 the first involvement in the chain saw industry was when Power Machinery Ltd. requested Windsor to produce a more lasting cutter for for its Chain Saws. Results were so successful that by 1951, Windosr was supplying bars to several manufacturers. The chain saw industry grew. And Windsor with it. Contributing its machining skills to the development of major improvements in guide bars. McCulloch Company of Canada was another major customer for guide bars. Windsor became an accepted authority on bar design and manufacture. Soon the Windsor name was synonomous with original equipment guide bars throughout the chain saw industry.
In 1960 Windsor branched out to produce chain saw sprockets. And by 1963 it was supplying guide bars and sprockets to 70% of the chain saw manufacturers in North America and Europe.
Then Windsor made a major move into the bar and sprocket replacement market. They installed new production lines to manufacture a complete range of replacement parts and formed three sales companies to market them in seventy countries around the world.

Windsor Metal Products, Vancouver B.C. to be responsible for Canadian and export sales outside Europe and the U.S.
Windsor S.A., Antwerp Belgium to be in charge of European distribution and sales
Waco Industries, Jackson, Tennessee, to head U.S. distribution and sales.

Sales soared, and Windsor grew until in 1965 it outgrew its facilities. For greater efficiency and to consolidate all production, Windsor built a new company plant. This plant was one of the most modern and complete cutter bar and sprocket factories in the world. On may 3, 1967 a new production record was extablished. Over 25,000 guide bars and 40,000 sprockets had been produced to Windsor quality standards in one month.
In view of the fact that the WINDSOR name had become a symbol of excellence in the manufacture of cutting train components, it seemed a logical 'next step' that the company, already manufacturing the best in sprockets, guide bars and related accessories, should also become a major name in the production of saw chain. The former Atlas Chain Co. factory in Victoria B.C. was purchased in 1969 and the Windsor saw chain division began production with Mr. Hayo Deelman as engineer in charge. Many other people joined the saw chain team, each with his own expertise and specialized knowledge of chain production. No expense was spared in the new factory to provide the finest in modern equipment and methods - from engineering and metallurgical analysis to the most up to date machinery.

Below from left to right the Men at the Top: Mr. W.G. (Bill) Hodges founder and president. Mr. C.E. (Chuck) Pulham, vice president and general manager. Mr. R.H. (Reg) Livesy, director of marketing.
Mr. Hayo Deelman, Manager of Saw Chain Division, Victoria, B.C.

The people that make it all happen
A marketing meeting
Head office and factory building 2965 Lake City Way, Burnaby, B.C. Canada
Saw Chain factory 754 Fairview Road, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Early Windsor Saw Chain brochures

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